Tomorrow 09:00 we will move to a new place. Less rent, nicer landlord.
Tomorrow 09:00 we will move to a new place. Less rent, nicer landlord.
A few weeks ago Vil and Indy found a cheap place to stay in Germany and the moved to the Lübeck area.
They got a camper to stay in for the next couple of weeks, but this is no solution for longer because the winter is approaching.
It’s really nice here, you can run around and have fun with the other dog, the chickens and the horses.
Yeah. it’s really nice here and it’s good to have a somehow safe place for the next few weeks. It was no situation to stay in the tent for a long time despite the fact that the people at Uitgeest are very nice.
Today we decided to go back to Germany for a while, recover and gain strength. There is no Plan-B: Walking 2.972KM to Spain anymore, we need to postpone this. Now its time for Plan-C: “Go back to Germany and have the lowest welfare Germany has to offer or even nothing. We searched Facebook for groups like “alternative living/housing” and “work for stay”. There we might find something there. We don’t need much, a legal, warm place with internet would be enough. We hope that we can find something and stay there for the upcoming winter.
Hallo alle miteinander,
Tl;dr – Suche Irgendwas, irgendwo in Deutschland.
Zuerst einige Worte über mich. Bis vor zwei Jahren hatte ich eine Familie, ein Haus, Kinder, einen Job und alles was ich zum Leben gebraucht habe. Das Baskenland, Südfrankreich, ein Traum. Mein Plan war es dort alt und glücklich zu werden, aber leider ging dieser Plan nicht auf, so ist das Leben nun einmal.
Nun lebe ich in einem Zelt auf einem Campingplatz in Holland. Ich habe nichts mehr, nur noch ein Zelt und meine treue Gefährtin Indy, ein Labrador und Border Collie Mix, die mich überallhin beleitet. Sie ist das Beste was mir jemals in meinem Leben passiert ist.
Ich habe so einiges versucht wieder auf die Füsse zu kommen, Jobs in Spanien und Holland gefunden, aber meine Gesundheit hat mir am Ende einen dicken Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht. Ich bin voll am Arsch, habe keine Kraft mehr weiter zu kämpfen und muss nach zwei erfolglosen Versuchen vielleicht ein drittes Mal operiert werden, ich muss auf eine Antwort der Klinik warten, aber das dauert bestimmt einige Wochen.
Nun wird die Zeit knapp und ich habe mich nun entschieden nach Deutschland zurück zu kommen. Das ist echt ein Graus, denn ich hatte das vor zwei Jahren schon einmal. Das Jobcenter zickt rum, die Krankenkasse will nicht und am Ende kommt Hartz dabei raus, wenn überhaupt. Ok, das muss jetzt sein, denn es gibt keine Alternative. Gesund werden und weiter schauen.
Ich suche ein Zimmer, Wohngelegenheit, Platz, Garage oder was auch iummer, um dort zu überwintern und vielleicht auch länger zu bleiben. Ich muss mich anmelden können und Internet wäre auch nicht schlecht, aber sonst brauchen wir nicht viel. Es ist egal wo in Deutschland, denn da habe ich keine Preferenzen.
Was kann ich anbieten? Nun, zuerst einmal mich. 🙂 Eine freundliche und lebensbejahende Persönlichkeit. Ich biete etwas Geld und meine Zeit, meine Arbeitskraft sowie Indy, den besten (Wach-)Hund der Welt.
Also, wenn Du irgendwo in Deutschland einen Platz für uns hast, dann sende mir doch bitte eine Nachricht. Lass uns mal kreativ reden und wenn es passt, dann sitzen wir morgen im Zug.
Allen einen wundervollen sonningen Tag zusammen.
Bernd & Indy
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A few days ago Vil’s former landlady asked him for help, she needed some screenshots to prove that the deposit was paid to the agency and Vil didn’t hesitated to provide the requested documents. He ssked for a feedback but she didn’t even had the decency to reply with a thank you.
That’s the way rich people deal with problems. At first, they ignore everything and when it’s convenient for them they fu** you, also they ignore the law and the business attitude is questionable.
Maybe you say that Vil shouldn’t have send the documents. Well, we think that others behaving like *** is no reason for us to forget our good education.
And the funniest part. She wouldn’t needed to contact Vil for the documents, he already send them a few times, she was just too lazy to look in her inbox.
She maybe lost a few hundred Euros, but we lost everything. No home, no money……
See here for the full story in chronological order.
Yesterday Vil received an email from his former landlady asking for help to sue the agency. That’s a bit funny because the last time Vil had contact with her she threatened him to “use the full power of the law against him”. Anyhow, Vil is not a person who rejects requests for help, so he sent her the documents without any hesitation.
Hi Vil,
I hope you managed to find a nice place to stay after moving out from Weesp.
My battle with the agency is unfortunately not over yet. They failed to transfer your deposit to my account. I will be submitting an official complaint to the Real Estate Association they belong to in Amsterdam. I will make sure public media knows how they work with tenants and landlords.
Therefore I will need your help: do you mind sending me a copy of the deposit confirmation you paid them at the beginning of renting our apartment?
I am looking forward to your email.
-> My battle with the Hakkenbroek agency is unfortunately not over yet. They failed to transfer your deposit to my account. I will be submitting an official complaint to the Real Estate Association they belong to in Amsterdam. I will make sure public media knows how they work with tenants and landlords.
Let’s see if she ever comes back to us.
Yesterday one of the welfare ladies lost it and insulted one of our friends and this sms conversation happened.
Hello. Please stop annoying your neighbours and deal with me. The neighbours are NOT your business. I asked you before, please send me the contact details of your social worker. I need them to send the keys and to file an official complaint against you and her.
Again. Running away won’t save you this time. Blocking on whatsapp doesn’t work either.
Welfare lady:
Just give me the keys
Nope. I will report you anyway. So I need the contact details. Do you really think that you can get out of that without paying? You are a fraud and your social worker is a criminal helping you. I will do whatever is needed to stop you ducking up people. Better you face it. THE GAME IS OVER! So send me the contact details or I will go personally to the office and complain. Anyway, you will take responsibility for your actions.
Do you really think cheating the system can go on forever without you taking responsibility? With me you tried to cheat the wrong one. And yes I am very angry and anger is the best energy to get revenge. So face it. The game is over and now it’s judgement time.
Welfare lady:
You know what keep the keys otherwise i stick it in your ass you stinking kutmof
Well. Even getting rude won’t help you. You are a welfare fraud and you will pay for it. Your social worker is a criminal and she will pay for it as well. Face it. YOU LOST. And please continue to missbahave, that’s exactly what I expect from a stealing and manipulative person like you. You have no shame and your time is OVER! Tell you social worker to call me today or tomorrow otherwise I will go to the office on Monday and then hell will break loose. 😉
Welfare lady:
Ga xxxx lekker boemsen
Wow. Thank you for being so stupid to write this. A good prove for the lawyer that you are a irresponsible parasite. If you continue like this you will also get a police report of insulting people.
P.S.: If Patreon needs any prove, I am happy to provide them a statement, photos and the keys.
More about this HERE.
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Yesterday we moved our stuff to a temporary place where we can stay around three weeks to plan our departure from Amsterdam.
Yes, you read right. We tried around one year to stabilise our life, but unfortunately, that didn’t happen and now we decided that we will leave Amsterdam for good.
It was an amazing experience, we met wonderful people, we had very good food, but living in more than ten places in the last months made it impossible to have a normal and regular life, so we give up looking for a place for us and decided to find our luck somewhere else.
Where are we gonna go? No idea, yet!
The last two days we stayed at a friend’s place and I am very happy to see my very good friend Piper again.
We had a wonderful time, we even went with the tram to a friend’s place and it was very exciting to look out of the window.
Piper is a very very very good friend and I like him very much. When I see him we are always happy and we do have a wonderful time.
Vil is quite pissed and he wrote a final ‘goodbye’ to the Welfare Ladies via WhatsApp.
“Hello Welfare Lady. The keys will be sent to your social worker via registered mail to have prove of delivery. The police advised me to do it that way. Please send me her postal address. Also, I made a report at the police station of fraud. the local police man will surely come and visit you both and he will have some interesting questions for you. I apologise for the things I left, but I couldn’t stand your faces anymore. Anyway, you will stop ducking up people. I will make sure of that. Additionally, i will evaluate the opportunity to claim compensation for my financial damages. NO regards and no swearing words you both surely deserve.”