When you move into a big city with a low supply of flats or rooms, most likely you will meet some landlords which rent out one room to pay for the whole flat. Unfortunately, you can’t recognize these people immediately, most of the times they are friendly, and show nice pictures of the room because they want your money first and the “issues” pop up later.
Our place is quite nice, but it seems that the landlord one of the greedy ones. First, he is not willing to let us register at the place, which means that Vil has a bit of an issue to get his papers. Also, he is a bit of a control freak and he already complained that Vil uses the washing machine too often. You see the fridge is completely packed. We only got one shelf.
And that’s the storage space he “generously” left us.
At least, but surely not the last issue, he doesn’t give us any storage space for food, so that all food needs to be stored in our room, only one shelf in the fridge and just one place for one litre of milk.
You see the fridge is packed, but all with his stuff he paid with my money and the little space for food in the shelf is not usable.
Well, Vil registered anyway and the next days the authorities will visit him and end his greedy game.
It’s a shame and surely we will leave ASAP.