Indy’s BLOG – Fired! Why I didn’t pass my probation time at Oracle!

I was living in Spain when I was hired to join the Oracle Digital Team in Amsterdam and in the beginning, all sounded very well. A super job, a nice town and a good future inside a well-known company. Hired as a Digital Sales Consultant, it sounded like the job of my dreams, but unfortunately it turned out that I had a week’s long ordeal in front of me, everything went to shit and finally I was informed that Oracle will terminate my working contract, effective immediately.

Seriously? YES!

I use this way to publish my story because no one within Oracle talks to me anymore, even HR doesn’t respond and ordered all my contacts within Oracle not to answer my emails or calls. I even got the answer “… Google the HR phone number yourself…..”, when I asked for an HR contact to sort out the issues.

I don’t really know what to say, I am shocked, devastated and I needed to figure out what to do now. I decided that from today on I will publish every one or two days a little story about what went wrong until someone within Oracle will start to talk to me.

When I was hired by Oracle, I was happy and somehow proud, because I made it to the top of IT. I was now a part of one of the biggest companies in the world and my future would be a good one. I was living in Barcelona and relocated to Amsterdam. It was a dream, Oracle arranged all, the flight, a temporary accommodation and I started working straight away. There was a huge relocation budget available and I thought all will be covered, but the issues arrived very fast and finally I am without work and back to square one again.

Bottom line: “Hey Oracle you can’t hire and relocate me and then leave me alone, without any support, without any response to multiple requests for help. Maybe legally all is correct and you followed your procedures and the law, but may I remind you that there is not only the law, there’s also something YOU call ‘corporate and social responsibility’. Where was it when I asked for help?”

Now I am homeless, no health insurance, no job in a foreign country and with more than 10.000 Euro in debt with Oracle for my screwed up relocation.

If you want to know how all that happened, come back for the next part, when the “first issue” becomes clear.


Part II: “No money, no flat, no registration, no bank account, no health insurance… No help!”

P.S.: I seriously hope that someone from HR or legal will contact me. For your reference please check ID953406.

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