Today Vil started his new job. It’s a working from home job. Virtual E-Commerce Pre-Sales Engineer for a “One-Stop” – E-Commerce Agency. Sounds really fancy. His responsibilities include Pre- & Post-Sales Support, Case- & Project-Management.

Today Vil started his new job. It’s a working from home job. Virtual E-Commerce Pre-Sales Engineer for a “One-Stop” – E-Commerce Agency. Sounds really fancy. His responsibilities include Pre- & Post-Sales Support, Case- & Project-Management.
A long day ahead tomorrow. Around 05:00 with the train to Stuttgart. 14:00 Meeting, 17:00 back home, 04:55 to arrive home. A 24 hour day.
“Yes, you are a top performer.
Yes, you’ve got awarded in November for being a sales superstar.
Yes, you’ve got awarded for outstanding customer feedback.
Yes, you’ve got awarded for always helping your team and colleagues.
Yes, you are a valued member of the team.
Yes, there is no doubt you can do the job.
Yes, your KPIs are looking great.
Yes, we are still looking for new employees.
But, NO, we won’t extend your contract, because are too sick. You say, that you are better now, but….. we’ve got our procedures.”
Yes, I WAS very sick. Life-threatening sick and I needed to go to the hospital, had a major surgical procedure. They removed a part of my pancreas, the bile and spleen and then I needed to stay within the ICU for weeks. Now everything is better and I am back on track for a good recovery.
Six weeks ago you offered me to come back, but at that time my recovery was still ongoing. Now I am ready to go, but I can’t because you reconsidered. Finally, the “risk” of employing me is too high for the management.
Let me ask you: Where is the “We are a family”, “We care about each other”, “Work-life balance”…..? All fake news?
Disappointed, but: “Hey, I cheated death!”
Today is an important day, the first day in the new job.
Well, well, well. Vil is again on the hunt for a job, searching the internet, calling service providers and other agencies, explaining his CV. Despite the fact that the news tell us about a shortage in IT jobs, there is very little positive response to Vil’s efforts.
A happy and sunny “Hello” to the best team ever,
you might not know, but Friday was my last day as an employee of and before I get kicked out of this group I will let you know that it was a pleasure to work with each and every one of you and I was proud to be a part of team H.. I have the highest respect for your professionalism, attitude and smiling approach to work and life.
The journey continues and tomorrow morning I will move back to Germany. I found a place near to Luebeck and they offer me ‘food and stay’ against a little work. And guess what: I will start working as a handyman in a children circus. He he he! Something completely different. No more CPH, CSAT or whatever….. Just little customers and I know how to bribe them. 🙂
I hope to see you sometime again!
Mobile & WhatsApp +31 / 6 401 93 884
When you are young, your life is most likely a very long party, you have fun and don’t really think about your future, or sickness and even death. You work in a call centre, you earn good money and you really have fun working all over the world. Everything is cool for you and there is nothing to worry about. Really? Unfortunately, there are more things to worry about you might not realize today.
For today let me ask you: “What will happen when you get sick tomorrow and you can’t work anymore?”
Maybe you worked all over Europe and you paid social security and taxes. A few years in Ireland, a few years in France, a few years in several other countries and you paid all over, but what will happen when you need social support?
NOTHING! You have paid everywhere, but to consolidate your achievements is nearly impossible. It will last months or even years and until all is sorted you will have to stay on welfare and wait.
Vil worked for more than thirty years all over Europe and the result is that he has achievements spread all over Europe, altogether would be enough achievements to be save in the future but there is not enough achievement in one country to receive any support.
There are thousands of “phone drones’ like you and Vil which are living in the moment and having very good life, but when you ask yourself about sickness or retirement, what would you answer? Most likely you never thought about this and you have no idea.
Unfortunately, there is no European register of social achievements for “phone drones” like you and Vil. There is no support to consolidate your achievements, more the opposite. Every country makes his own rules and the regulations and the procedures are made intentionally so complicated that it’s nearly impossible to get any help.
It’s a shame, Vil is (was) one of the workers who followed the work. He helped to rebuild the former DDR after the German reunification, he was in Ireland and supported products for companies like Novell, eBay and PayPal, he was in France and had a family, he was in the Netherlands, worked on the phone and much more.
The sad side about this is, that if he would have worked only in Germany he could retire with a nice pension, but now there is nothing.
How do you feel about that? Maybe we can do something together and build an “E.P.D.U – European Phone Drone Union”?
Please let us know what you think.
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It’s a very long story how we ended up in Badalona, but one year ago we relocated from Spain to Amsterdam, because Vil got a very nice job offer to be an internal cloud sales consultant for one of the biggest companies in the world. It was a very good job offer, but in the end, it didn’t work out.
We really struggled, we had no food, no job, no place to stay and Vil was seriously sick. But he didn’t give up, he fought and since then Vil was able to survive, his health is way better now and he even managed to score a job in one of the best companies in the world. He really likes his job, his manager likes him as well and after being very sick, he really wants to go back to work, but HOW?
Without a place for us, there is no way and if we don’t find a place he surely will lose his job soon. It’s a shitty situation. Since now we managed somehow to find places to sleep, live on very little money after we paid all bills, but now we run out of ideas. We are members of every website imaginable, we post on Facebook and on the intranet, but nothing, absolutely nothing. It’s frustrating.
All of this because of me! Vil could have way less ‘issues’, but he doesn’t want to give me up! Vil will never leave me alone. NEVER! As a result, on Monday, all our dreams will come to a shattering halt, we need to leave the place we stay right now and there is no place we can go.
All because we are not able to find an affordable and permanent place for us. STUPID! We tried literally everything, but somehow it’s not meant to be.
What will be? We have no idea and we might need to go back on the road, but we are not afraid about that, because we can stay together and that’s most important for us.
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If you want to know where we are and what’s going on, please click here to see our latest status updates! If you want to read our whole adventure from the beginning and in chronological order please click here.
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Thank you very much.
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