We are on our way. Naja, not really. We decided to have a last and final test and sleep outside tonight. First, the camping place is closed and then there is no McDonald anywhere. It’s a shitty rainy day. So we ended up in. “Hucky’s Klause”.
And what a surprise. It’s a smoking pub.
In the background, they play “Skat”. A German card game. Vil gets a good coffee and an apple cake with cream. The music is classic. Dire Straits: Brothers In Arms.
I get “leckerli” from the super nice bar lady. Super! Whiff! Wuff! The day gets better. Thank you, Lord! Vil checked our finances 39.04 Euro. 6.50 for two coffee and the cake. 32.54 left.
And now we search for a place to park Victor tonight.
7 degrees Celsius and rain. Brrrrrr, but no problem. I’ve got fur and Vil a really good sleeping bag.
Good night.
Please stay tuned for the next post.