Indy’s BLOG – Jobsearch – Navigation

Vil had an interview for a position as pre-sales account manager. First, his TomTom20 guided him to the wrong place. Same street name, but the wrong district. After entering the address manually all worked out.

The interview itself was a catastrophe. At first, the team leader had no CV at hand, then she didn’t like Vil on a personal level. It seemed to be on both sides a deep dislike. The cherry on the top was the miscommunication between HR and this team leader. She was totally sub-optimal informed. Salary, bonus and relocation assistance all advertised but not existent.

In the role play, Vil was better than good and he showed that he can do the job easy. The guy who did the roleplay was nice. Vil would have loved to work with him.

Anyway, today came the negative feedback.

No surprise. You big, baby-blue BLOB!

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