Indy’s BLOG – TSP for BWM

Today a Skype interview for a job as a TSP for BWM. First level call centre bitch job, but who cares. It would pay the rent and we don’t mind. At first we needed to charge the laptop without overloading Victor’s electrical system, then find a reliable spot with good WiFi connection. Vil don’t want to risk any outages during the interview and also not sit inside crowdy Victor. Sorry Victor, but you are stuffed to the brim. So we drove to a cafe and spend literally the last money on a coffee and a bowl of water for me.

During the interview they asked questions about Vil’s experience and his CV. It was a nice conversation., but there was no real interest somehow. There was no fire, it was a fucking interview for a bitch job and they knew it.

And here comes the ‘common issue’ for Vil’s applications. They always ask: “Why should this guy stay with us? In the moment he finds something better, he will leave immediately.”


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